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What is cold?

The common cold is not a medically correct term, but it is known in cases of respiratory viral diseases with the symptoms like:

  • tiredness/fatigue
  • malaise
  • runny nose
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • subfebrile fever

Common cold spreads throughout the year, the influenza (type A, B) season lasts from October to April.

In case of viral illness, symptomatic treatment is applied to relieve symptoms (cough, runny nose, headache, fever). First acute viral disease symptoms such as tiredness, head and joint pain, running nose, coughing and/or tiredness, the first aid is a rest/bedrest (the body needs time for recovery). Lot of liquid (herbal tea, water). In the case of suspecting influenza, you should contact your family doctor or family nurse, if necessary the antiviral therapy will be prescribed.

The leading symptoms of influenza are:

  • sudden onset of the disease
  • rapid high fever
  • dry (irritation) cough
  • chills
  • bone, joint and muscle pain
  • severe weakness

Doctors who can help

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